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共探文旅发展新道路,2022 游乐界·金冠奖评选活动荣耀开启!

来源:主题乐园 | 时间:2022年08月22日

心怀热忱,向阳而立,我们对中国文旅事业的复兴充满希望。两年来,中国文旅没有被困难击 垮,中国文旅人没有轻言放弃,而是在荆棘丛中走出了文旅的新发展道路——轻资产文旅、都市文 旅、多元化文旅、云上文旅等新模式、新概念、新业态,让中国文旅走上了多元、融合、互联的全 新道路。耳闻目睹这些新理念、新实践带来的新变化、新发展,《游乐界》衷心为中国文旅喝彩, 为中国文旅人点赞! 2022 年,《游乐界》亦陪伴中国文旅走过第十个春秋。十年来,我们始终以架设行业互通互 利桥梁、激励行业创新升级、推动中国文旅进步发展为己任。十年来,《游乐界》成功举办了数届 文旅发展峰会和“游乐界 • 金冠奖”评选活动。如今,“游乐界 • 金冠奖”已是行业公认的公平、 公正、客观、向上的业界顶级荣誉,而“游乐界 • 金冠奖”颁奖晚宴也成为行业同仁欢聚一堂、共 叙友情、共话未来的交流平台。在这个夏天,游乐界 • 金冠奖评选活动再度荣耀开启——许久不见 的老朋友们,让我们共同奏响 2022 游乐界 • 金冠奖的评选序曲!

Since the pandemic, the journey to recovery is doomed to be arduous and long, but we keep  the passion and enthusiasm in heart. In the difficult and challenging times, Chinese cultural  tourism industry has never been defeated. Instead, it has found a new development path in  the midst of thorns. New concepts and new business formats such as asset-light business  model, urban tourism, diversified cultural tourism, and online tourism have enabled our  domestic industry to embark on a new path of diversification, integration and interconnection.  As a close witness to these new changes, Asia Attractions team feels truly amazed and proud  of the efforts made by our resilient industry and all the insiders! 2022 marks the 10 years anniversary of Asia Attractions. As a companion along the way with  Chinese cultural tourism industry, we remain true to our original aspiration which is building  a bridge for mutual benefit, encouraging innovation and upgrades, thus enhancing the  evolvement of our domestic industry. Over the years, Asia Attractions has made a serial of  successful summits and Golden Crown Awards events. Today, Asia Attractions • Golden Crown  Awards is viewed as a top industry honor that is fair and just, objective and progressive. Plus,  the awards dinner event becomes a well-known platform for industry friends to gather and to  plan for the future. This summer, we're delighted to announce the launch of 2022 Asia Attractions • Golden Crown  Awards. Let's celebrate our achievements by joining in the 2022 Golden Crown Awards! 


Award Categories and Conditions for Participation 

类别一:2022 文旅行业杰出供应商 Category One: Outstanding Suppliers Awards 

(注:每个企业最多可参加 2 个奖项的评选 Note: Each company can only apply for a maximum of 2 awards) 

杰出深化设计供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Attraction Design Supplier (domestic/international) 

杰出细节包装及建设供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Detail Packaging & Construction Supplier (domestic/international) 

杰出无动力设备供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Non-powered Attractions Supplier (domestic/international) 

杰出动力互动设备供应商(国内 / 国外)Outstanding Powered Interactive Attractions Supplier (domestic/international) 

杰出家庭骑乘设备供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Family Rides Supplier (domestic/international) 

杰出过山车设备供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Roller Coasters Supplier (domestic/international)

杰出黑暗骑乘设备供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Dark Rides Supplier (domestic/international) 

杰出动感 / 飞行影院设备供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Motion/Flying Theatres Supplier (domestic/international)

杰出水滑道设备供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Water Rides Supplier (domestic/international) 

杰出戏水设备供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Water Plays Supplier (domestic/international)

杰出观光游览车供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Sightseeing Vehicles Supplier (domestic/international) 

杰出中小型游乐设备供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Medium/Small Rides Supplier for Land Parks (domestic/international) 

杰出光影水幕及演艺供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Lighting/Water/Live Shows Supplier (domestic/international) 

杰出配套产品 / 服务供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Ancillary Services & Products Supplier (domestic/international) 

杰出二消产品 / 服务供应商(国内 / 国外) Outstanding Secondary Consumer Products & Services Supplier (domestic/ international) 

供应商参评必须符合以下条件 The criteria that the suppliers should meet: 

1、国内 / 国外注册成立公司且注册时间超过 3 年,高新技术企业注册时间超过 2 年即可参评;

Domestic/foreign company must be registered for more than 3 years. High-tech company  must be registered for more than 2 years; 

2、面向景点休闲娱乐领域的产品供应及服务,团队具有创新能力和高成长潜力,主要提供游乐设 备产品研发、制造、安装及其他相应服务等方面的业务,经营规范,社会信誉良好,有相关生 产资质及服务证书;

Candidates should focus on providing service and products for leisure and attractions  industry. The team should have innovative ability and high growth potential, as well as  having good social reputation and qualification certificates; 

3、参评的产品 / 项目是 2021 年 10 月至 2022 年 10 月(含 10 月)已开发并落地的(注:原则上 去年已参评的项目不重复参评,但产品 / 项目有进行升级改造的除外);

Products/projects to nominate must be installed from October 2021 to October 2022 (Note:  Products/projects that have won 'Golden Crown Awards' before should not be applied for  this year again, unless they have undergone upgrades during the period as mentioned); 


The products, technologies and related patents of the candidates should belong to the  company and without any disputes over property rights with other units or individuals. 

参评必须提交以下资料 The documents that the candidates should provide: 

1、企业简介(200-300 字)及 LOGO;

Simple background introduction of the company (200-300 words in Chinese) and company  logo. 


A copy of the company's business license and the qualification certificate of manufacture 

3、参评产品 / 项目的文字介绍(200-500 字),包括产品 / 项目的名称、特点、创新性、规格、落 地地点、为项目提供的具体服务及相关证明材料、高清图片及展示视频(1 分钟以内); 

A text description of the product/project (200-500 words in Chinese), including name,  specifications, innovative features, location & company's specific service for this project  and related proving materials, as well as HD photos & a presentation video of the product/ project (within 1 minute);

4、中大型产品 / 项目必须有落地的资质合格验收证明。

Medium and large scale products/projects must provide a copy of qualification acceptance  certificate of landing. (Please note: This refers to the proof of quality check, given by either  the park or any third-party authority, indicating all aspects meet the standards and ready  to open.) 

类别二:2022 杰出乐园 / 景区 Category Two: Outstanding Parks/Leisure Destinations Awards  

(注:每个乐园最多可参加 3 个奖项的评选 Note: Each park can only apply for a maximum of 3 awards)

杰出主题乐园(陆地) Outstanding Themed Land Park 

杰出水乐园 Outstanding Water Park 

杰出室内主题乐园 Outstanding Indoor Theme Park 

杰出无动力乐园 Outstanding Adventure Park 

杰出冰雪乐园 Outstanding Snow-Ice Park 

杰出新乐园 Outstanding Newly-opened Park 

优质服务乐园 Outstanding Park Service 

优质露营地 Outstanding Campground  

杰出网红街区 Outstanding Cyberstar Commercial Street 

杰出主题活动奖 Outstanding Themed Event 

杰出演艺奖 Outstanding Live Show

最具人气乐园 / 景点 Outstanding Popular Park/Leisure Destination 

乐园 / 景区参评必须符合以下条件 The criteria that the operators should meet: 

1、2022 年 11 月 1 日前开业并正常运营的中国乐园 / 景区; 

Park/leisure destination located in China, which is opened and operated before November  1st, 2022; 


The park/destination needs to offer high-quality entertainment experience and services,  and enjoy recognition & popularity on the market; 


Project to nominate must be held or operated by the park itself. It should not have any  property rights disputes with other units or individuals;

4、参与主题活动奖和演艺奖的项目必须是 2021 年 10 月 -2022 年 10 月(含 10 月)推出的(注: 原则上去年已参评的项目不重复参评,项目有进行升级改造的除外); 

Project for categories Themed Event and Live Shows must be launched between October  2021 and October, 2022. (Note: projects that have won 'Golden Crown Awards' before  should not be applied for this year again, unless they have undergone upgrades during the  period as mentioned) 

必须提交的参评资料 The documents that park/destination candidates should present: 

1、乐园 / 景区简介、乐园 / 景区高清图片 2-3 张、乐园 / 景区 LOGO、乐园 / 景区的展示视频(1 分钟以内);

Introduction of the park, 2-3 HD pictures of the park, logo and a presentation video (within  1 minute); 

2、参评项目奖项需提供项目介绍,包含名称、规模、特色、效果、高清图片及展示视频(1 分钟以内) 等; 

Project introduction for project awards should involve name, scale, features, effects, HD  pictures and a presentation video (within 1 minute); 


Introduction of the investor and the operating company. 

类别三:2022 杰出游乐人奖 Category Three: Outstanding Influencers Awards 

(注:每人只能参加 1 个奖项的评选 Note: One can only apply for 1 award) 

1、2022 文旅行业杰出贡献奖(乐园 / 供应商)  Outstanding Contributor to Chinese Culture Tourism Industry (Parks/Suppliers) 

参评必须符合以下条件 The influencers candidates should meet the following criteria: 

① 拥有 5 年以上的文旅从业经历,有高尚的职业道德,优秀的个人品质; 

② 文旅企业高层管理者,在行业或某一专业领域具有杰出表现;

③ 在业内享有较高的知名度,对企业和行业的发展具有突出贡献。

① Have more than 5 years of experience in the cultural tourism industry, have noble  professional ethics, and excellent personal qualities;

② Should be at senior position in a company, with outstanding achievements in a certain  field;

③ Should enjoy a high reputation in the industry and have made outstanding contributions  to the company and the industry. 

参评必须提交的资料 The influencers candidates should present the following information: 

① 个人简介,包含所在单位、职务、座右铭、从业经历、代表项目及个人近照; 

② 个人所取得的成就,以及为企业和行业发展所做的突出贡献。 

① Personal profile, including the company name, position, motto if have, working experience,  representative project(s) and one recent personal photo; 

② A statement of personal achievements and outstanding contributions to the company and  the industry. 

2、2022 文旅行业领军人物(乐园 / 供应商)  Outstanding Pioneer in Chinese Culture Tourism Industry (Parks/Suppliers) 

参评必须符合以下条件 The influencers candidates should meet the following criteria: 

① 在企业中处于领导核心地位,在领导力、决策力、影响力、凝聚力、前瞻性等方面有突出表现; 

② 拥有 10 年以上的文旅从业经历,具有丰富的实践经验、先进的行业理念和敏锐的市场洞察力, 对企业和行业的发展具有突出贡献;

 ③ 具有高度的社会责任感和良好的公众形象,受到业内的广泛认可,对行业的进步和发展有着积 极的推动作用;

 ① Be one of the core leaders in a company, and have outstanding performance in leadership,  decision-making, influence power, cohesion, foresight etc.; 

② Have more than 10 years of experience in the cultural tourism industry and rich practical  experience, and have made outstanding contributions to the company and the industry; 

③ Have a high sense of social responsibility and a decent public image with wide recognition 

参评必须提交的资料 The influencers candidates should present the following information: 

① 个人简介,包含所在单位、职务、座右铭、从业经历、代表项目及个人近照; 

② 为企业和行业发展所做的突出贡献;

③ 个人所取得的成就,以及对行业的推动作用。 

① Personal profile, including the company name, position, motto if have, working experience,  representative project(s) and one recent personal photo; 

② A statement of outstanding contributions to the company and the industry; 

③ A description of personal achievements and how they helped the development of the  industry. 

3、2022 文旅青年精英  Outstanding young elite in Chinese Culture Tourism Industry  

参评必须符合以下条件 The influencers candidates should meet the following criteria: 

① 40 岁以下的中高层管理者,拥有 3 年以上的文旅从业经历,业绩突出; 

② 充分发挥先锋模范作用,推动企业的创新和改革,取得一定成效; 

③ 从事行业相关技术研究或经营管理,拥有行业应用和实践操作价值的理论成果、方法等,对行 业或某一细分领域的发展具有示范意义。

① Under the age of 40, with more than 3 years of experience in the cultural tourism industry  and outstanding performance;  

② Play a significant role in promoting the innovation and reformation of the company, and  have achieved certain results; 

③ Engaged in cultural tourism industry related technical research or business management,  and show exemplary significance for the development of the industry or a sub-field. 

参评必须提交的资料 The influencers candidates should present the following information: 

① 个人简介,包含所在单位、职务、座右铭、从业经历、代表项目及个人近照;

② 个人所取得的成就。 

① Personal profile, including the company name, position, motto if have, working experience,  representative project(s) and one recent personal photo; 

② A statement of personal achievements. 

评选流程 Procedure

阶段一:企业报名及专家推荐,时间:8 月 8 日 -9 月 15 日 

游乐界 • 金冠奖以企业自主申报和专家评委推荐的方式收集资料,有意向参加评选的企业可发送关 键词“评选”到游乐界微信公众号(ID: youlejiezazhi)获取报名链接,下载对应的报名表格,填 写并将报名资料发送到指定邮箱:3516326087@qq.com;专家评委可推荐心目中的优秀企业及个 人参加各奖项的评选,由专家推荐的企业及个人,请积极配合主办方的工作,提供相关报名资料。 

Phase 1: Submission & Recommendation. Dates: August 8th - September 15th The Golden Crown Awards of Asia Attractions collects data through self-application, as well as  the jury's recommendation. Companies wishing to participate can send keyword "selection"  to the WeChat public account of Asia Attractions (ID: youlejiezazhi) to obtain the link for  entry and download the application form. Please fill it in and send the materials to email:  3516326087@qq.com. Meanwhile, our jury can also recommend candidates. We will ask the  recommended companies/individuals to submit the corresponding information. 

阶段二:审核评选资料,时间:8 月 15 日 -9 月 25 日 

本阶段由主办方对参评企业提交的资料进行审核,请各企业如实填写参评资料,如存在不实信息, 将取消参评资格。

Phase 2: Verification. Dates: August 15th - September 25th Materials submitted by the participating companies will be reviewed and verified during this  phase. Please be truthful. The qualification will be cancelled immediately if there's any fake  information. 

阶段三:参评企业及个人公示,时间:8 月 20 日 -9 月 30 日 

主办方将在《游乐界》杂志及微信公众号上陆续对已通过资料审核的参评企业及个人的相关信息进 行公示,任何企业或个人对参评企业及项目有异议可及时向评委团秘书处反馈(联系人:蔡映朵 159 8907 0980、谭红丽 137 1117 7930),经核实,如参评企业及项目确实存在不实情况,将被取 消参评资格。

Phase 3: Presentation. Dates: August 20th - September 25th  Asia Attractions team will publicize the applications which pass the review in Asia Attractions  magazine & on our WeChat public account. Any company or individual who has doubt on any  application can promptly report to the secretariat of the jury (Contact: Judy Cai 159 8907 0980,  Hongli Tan 137 1117 7930). 

阶段四:专家评审,时间:10 月 8 日 -10 月 20 日 

本阶段由国内乐园高层及行业专家组成的专业评委团对参评企业和个人进行审核投票。 注:专家评委不参与其所在乐园及企业参与评选的奖项的投票。

Phase 4: Jury review and vote. Dates: October 8th - October 20th There will be a jury composed of domestic park managers and industry renowned experts to  evaluate the nominees and vote.  Note: The jury must not vote for the nominees of their own companies. 

阶段五:大众评委投票,时间:10 月 24 日 -10 月 31 日 

本阶段只邀请大众评委进行网络投票,不对网友开放 注:大众评委由国内乐园代表和国内外供应商代表组成,共计 60 位,均具有 3 年以上的文旅行业 从业经历,并承诺公平公正对待每一个候选企业和个人。 

Phase 5: Selected public vote. Dates: October 24th - October 31th Only selected public judges are invited in this phase, which means the voting is not open to  netizens. Note: We will select 60 public judges, who must have 3+ years of working experience in the  culture tourism industry, and promise to vote fairly. 

阶段六:评委团秘书处投票并审核获奖名单,时间:11 月 1 日 -11 月 7 日 

本阶段由评委团秘书处进行最后一轮投票并审核汇总各评选阶段的分数,计算参评企业及个人的最 终得分。 

Phase 6: Jury secretariat vote and review. Dates: November 1th - November 7th At this stage, the jury secretariat will vote and review the ratings of each round, and finalize  the winners. 

阶段七:公布获奖名单,时间:12 月 

最终获奖结果将于 2022 游乐界文旅发展大会暨金冠奖颁奖晚宴上公布。

Stage 7: Winners announcement. Dates: December The final winners will be announced at the 2022 Asia Attractions Summit and Golden Crown  Awards Dinner ceremony.

选规则 Voting System 

游乐界 • 金冠奖评分采取百分制,总分 = 专家评审得分(最高分为 50 分)+ 大众评委投票得分(最 高分为 30 分)+ 主办方投票得分(最高分为 20 分);注:由专家推荐的企业额外加 10 分。 其中,专家评审环节将根据专家的投票数选出票数高的前 10 个获奖单位或个人,票数最高者 得 50 分,按名次逐个递减 5 分,即得票数第二名者得 45 分,得票数第三名者得 40 分,依次类推; 大众评委投票环节将根据大众评委的投票选出票数高的前 10 个获奖单位或个人,票数最高者得 30 分,按名次逐个递减 3 分,即得票数第二名者得 27 分,得票数第三名者得 24 分,依次类推;主 办方投票环节将根据主办方秘书处的投票选出票数高的前 10 个获奖单位或个人,票数最高者得 20 分,按名次逐个递减 2 分,即得票数第二名者得 18 分,得票数第三名者得 16 分,依次类推。 

The score of the Golden Crown Award adopts 100-point system. The total score = jury score  (max. 50) + public judges score (max. 30) + Jury secretariat score (max. 20). Note: Company  who's recommended by the jury will score extra 10 points. The jury voting phase will lead to "TOP 10" according to the jury votes they get. The top one  will score 50 points, and the ranking will decrease by 5 points, that is, the second one will  score 45 points, the third one will score 40 points, and so on. The public judges voting phase  will lead to "TOP 10" as well according to the public votes they get. The top one will score 30  points, and the ranking will decrease by 3 points, that is, the second one will get 27 points,  the third one will get 24 points, and so on. Last but not least, the secretariat voting phase will  lead to another "TOP 10" according to the secretariat votes they get. The top one will score 20  points, and the ranking will decrease by 2 points, that is, the second one will score 18 points,  the third one will score 16 points, and so on.

 注:《游乐界》对本次活动享有最终的解释权,参评企业请确保提报资料的真实性,若存在虚 假申报或不实的情况,相关企业在 3 年内将无资格参评“游乐界·金冠奖”。 此评选活动为公益性质,全程不收取任何费用,在此提醒广大参评企业和游乐人:切勿轻信任 何奖项买卖或付费获奖的来电及信息,活动统一对外联系电话为:13711177930、13922290400、 15989070980,望周知。 《游乐界》诚挚欢迎符合参评标准的供应商、乐园 / 景区和游乐人参与申报,也欢迎业界同仁 监督奖项的运作、评选、颁发、公布的整个过程,而对于以牟利为目的,鱼目混珠,试图扰乱公众 认知,侵害《游乐界》合法权益的行为,我们保留诉诸法律途径的权利。 

Please note: Asia Attractions reserve the right of final interpretation for this event. Participating  companies must ensure the authenticity of the submitted materials. If there are any false  declaration or obviously false materials, relevant companies will not be eligible for entry of  Asia Attractions·Golden Crown Awards in three years.  There's no fees for applying for the Golden Crown Awards. Please do not trust any calls/ information about buying or selling awards or paying for awards. Our official contact phone  numbers are: 13711177930 & 13922290400 & 15989070980.  Asia Attractions sincerely welcome suppliers, parks/leisure destinations and professionals of  the industry that meet the criteria to participate in the event. We also welcome everyone in the  industry to supervise the entire process of the awards. We reserve the right to take legal action  for acts that disrupt public perception and infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of  Asia Attractions.

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